Being self employed certainly has its ups and downs! Some people think that it’s cool to work from home and at times it is, but there are times when there are frustrations.Working from home with only one agenda is the true path to success, but when you experience the ‘Six Hats’ syndrome, then days can become waring! Every child grows up with dreams of becoming anything from a bus driver to an astronaut and in general, by the time they grow up, they have settled on one profession. When I was a child, I too was a dreamer and my dreams had no limits. For starters, I wanted to be a film director and not unlike many other children I wanted to be in a band. Well that, I did do, but I never followed the path of film and TV, however, I did continue with my unrealistic desires to experience several other crazy passions. [Read more…]
Cambridge Open Studios ’13
It is unbelievable to think that we are already in July and Cambridge Open Studios starts this coming weekend. Artists are preparing their homes and studios and adding the final touches to their works of art in preparation for the numerous art lovers that annually support the work of local artists.
This year, however, I am not participating in this wonderful event. These past two years have been emotionally exhausting on a personal level, so I thought it might be nice for a change to be a COS visitor and enjoy some creative delights myself. [Read more…]
Whoever said ignorance is bliss was certainly not ignorant. I don’t say this because it is a wise statement but because no person would consider ignorance to be bliss if they had ever experienced the pain of not knowing.
The drama and anguish of setting up my new site has caused hair loss and greying! For weeks I have battled to resolve problems with setting up my site. Then I finally succumbed to the fact that all these years I had fooled myself into believing I had a reasonable understanding of technology – it had obviously been proven that I am in fact pretty ignorant. Yet today I was relieved to find that the problem had absolutely nothing to do with MY ignorance but was in fact down to a glitch deeply imbedded in the database so now my host is taking care of the “technical glitch”! Not that I would call it that; it has been more of a bombshell!
I have all crossed for a glitch-free week!
A fond farewell to the Lorraine Tree, named after the lovely Lorraine who commissioned the piece. This has truly been a labour of love primarily due to the need to compliment the colours of their home, but also to create realism in the tree. It will be hard to say good bye.
Yellow brick road
Finally, here is my new site, well, part of it anyway! The journey, changing over from one theme to another and sorting out the new ‘Portfolio plus’, has been a long and bumpy one, but I feel I’m slowly finding my feet! Though maybe I shouldn’t speak too soon – there is still time for all to go belly-up!
I closed my original site 2 weeks ago as I decided to liven it up by making it more interactive and accessible. I moved to WordPress, which is fantastic and I would recommend them to anyone with or without experience! I chose a theme, which is fantastic looking, and every forum claimed it to be a cinch to use! But I have had serious problems setting it up. You may notice parts missing! The theme developer has been great with advice. [Read more…]