It is impossible to truly perceive depth of loss, emotion and despair until you are faced with the loss of a parent and in my case my father. Only 77 years young, a charismatic, larger than life human being who had a passion for politics, a Labour Councillor for South Cambs., a singer, actor, a producer for the BBC and above all a great father who’s total means of punishment was to talk me to death. He passed away unexpectedly on 23rd December 2014 from heart disease. It has thrown my world upside down particularly after having lost my little sister only 3 years ago from MS. Life, this world, has felt cold and empty without them, but I am grateful I have the love and warmth of my husband and my two sons. [Read more…]
Still Light of Dawn
Resplendent Lands
I started working on this piece last year, but the direction is was taking left me dry, however, after a few months tucked away I found a new direction. As I write this post, Still Light of Dawn is still work in progress, but I envisage it’s completion early July. I am using oil and a glaze medium on a 90 x 90cm deep edge canvas. I felt tempera on this larger pieces would not be as effective, so opted for a smoother, less textured effect.
Resplendent Lands
Although I started this series last year I am developing them even further with the use of glazes and tempera. Combining and gauging the correct quantity of medium, pigment and egg yolk, along with a few other additions 🙂 has had it’s numerous pitfalls. At times feeling more like a mad scientist than an artist, I am thrilled with the results all rich in colour, glow and texture.
It has been yet another emotionally challenging year for me. (I will explain all on my blog page soon.) However, I am now very much looking forward to displaying my new and enhanced pieces, along with further blossom trees, which will all be available to view and buy in July.
Deepest Depths
Resplendent Lands
I am working on 3 pieces, which are all part of the Resplendent Lands series. I have been experimenting with tempera grassa (an oil-based egg tempera) used by many of the old masters. The mix has taken several hours of fine-tuning and have used quite a few eggs in the process, but the result is worth the labour as it produces work with texture and enhances colour, particularly with the white and ocher.

Mr. Turner
William Turner (J.M.W. Turner) is one of my all-time favourite artists. He was inventive, passionate and creatively, he was not afraid to go against the norm – somewhat taboo in the 18th century. I had been eagerly awaiting the release of the film, Mr. Turner and purchased two tickets for the very first showing on Friday 31st October 2014 at the Arts Cinema, Cambridge. [Read more…]
Cambridge Open Studios 2014
For me, preparations for COS always seem to go hand in hand with chaos and near nervous breakdowns! Throughout the 31 days in July there seems to be an onslaught of occasions, from birthdays; happy and sad anniversaries, boys finishing college, university, their continuous toing and froing back and forth, festival and overseas travels (gosh, do they realise how lucky they are?), the mind is buzzing and the earth aggressively spinning! So, come August, there seems to be a desperate need to sit and vegetate – but not for long! The time had come to consider renovating my 100-year old studio and the reroofing was a spectacular success! Thank you Keith Doyle!